The Organizations of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Ladies of Zion

The Ladies of Zion was started in 1907. It was organized to benefit the work of the church. It rapidly grew and there were 39 members the first year. Through the years, many things were purchased with the help of our church ladies. Mission work with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) began in 1961. Many of  the members served as circuit officers throughout the years. The Ladies of Zion continue mite box collections which goes to help mission projects at home and foreign lands. The Ladies of Zion members help at funerals, quilting, pastor’s conferences – wherever and whenever there is a need.

Young People of Zion

The Young People of Zion (YPZ) was organized in 1918 under the direction of Pastor M J Hillemann. Little was recorded about the activities of this group during the early years.

Young People of Zion does several activities throughout the year. The activities include:  community service, continental breakfasts, brat fry, garage sale, BBQ luncheon and soup luncheon.  One activity the group has done was sponsor a youth group Halloween Party at Monster Hall.  Another popular activity  that was done was holding a Halloween party for the Sunday School children ages pre-school through sixth  grade. Some of  the group members attended a Youth Rally in Orlando Florida in July 2005.

Joining Young People of Zion offers a good opportunity for youth to discuss and learn more about problems and current events in a Christian manner. It also gives the youth a chance to participate in a wide variety of activities.

Special Events Committee

The Special Events Committee is the youngest group at Zion. The committee originally started out as the “Wish List” Committee early in 2000 as the building of the new addition was started. The purpose of the committee was to coordinate the items (big and small) that were needed to furnish as was well as complete the new addition. Many members of Zion who wanted to make a donation to the project consulted with the committee to determine where their donations were most needed. Many of the donations were made as a memorial to a loved one.

In 2005, the “Wish List” Committee was reorganized as the Special Events Committee.  The committee is still available to those who may want to make a special donation to the church. The main responsibility of the Special Events Committee is to organize special events at the church. Past events have included a chicken dinner following the outdoor service in July, the opening of Sunday School and providing lunch at the Easter and Christmas tapings. In 2005, the committee was involved in various celebrations of  Zion’s 120th Anniversary as well as producing a picture directory.

The Special Events Committee meets 5-6 times during the year as needed. The committee continues looking for additional members to join and continue the work. If interested, please contact any of the committee members.